A Comprehensive List of Projects by Me

AI Based Legal Council Platform

Full Stack Developer - Independent Contractor

cimphony.ai, Oct 15, 2023 - Feb 19, 2024


As a part of dynamic team I have built various features for a legal council platform. Included but not limited to document signing process, template library, auth and email systems, etc.


TypeScript, React, Next.js, Tailwind, Node.js, LLM, Postgres, GraphQL, GCP, Docker

AI Recruitment Platform

Full Stack Developer - Independent Contractor

app.deepmtch.ai, May 15, 2023 - Jul 19, 2023


Integrated LLM APIs into a resume matching platform. The project features live data updates, document parsing and per use pricing model.


TypeScript, React, Next.js, Supabase, Tailwind, Railway, Node.js, LLM, Stripe, Postgres

URL Shortener

Lead Developer - Independent Contractor

replay.is, May 15, 2023 - Jul 19, 2023


Designed and built an URL shortener SaaS. The project required built-in analytics split into different groups and had to provide seamless performance across the dashboard and when following through links. In addition, the organization flow is supported, allowing for seamless integration of per-seat subscription plans. Among user and admin dashboards, this project includes a distributed KVS-cache for speeding up the redirection process. Support for magic links, social, and credential authentication is also included.


TypeScript, React, Next.js, Redis, Postgres, Tailwind, Prisma, Vercel, Stripe, next-auth, Node.js

Monite API Integration

Full Stack Developer - Independent Contractor

Monite GmbH, Mar 21, 2023 - May 16, 2023*


Building a SaaS app on top of Monite API. Monite is a fintech company focusing on providing backend-as-a-service solutions offering invoicing, B2B payments and cash flow management and other building blocks for Fin-tech, neobanks and marketplaces. I have integrated all of Monite data models into singular dashboard with an additional API layer producing what could be a white-label solution for a B2B start-up, providing detailed feedback as a developer on API and documentation.


TypeScript, React, Next.js, MUI, Postgres, Monite, Storybook, Node.js

Dashboard for Hospitality Industry

Lead Developer - Independent Contractor

joly.ai, Feb 21, 2023 - Apr 10, 2023*


Designed and built user and admin dashboards for hospitality industry.

This project is dedicated to providing Hotel owners an ability to gather and analyze guest’s feedback. As a B2B SaaS service project required subscription payment integration, Auth0 integration in addition a special future allowing admin to assume user’s identity is implemented allowing to provide seamless platform support.


TypeScript, React, Next.js, MUI, MongoDB, Auth0, Sendgrid, Stripe, Retool, S3, Node.js, Mongoose

Online Betting Platform

Senior Backend Developer - Full Time

RTC Logic / Bloksports, Feb 2022 - Jan 2023


Designing new backend infrastructure following by seamless migration of currently existing codebase. Integrating multiple API providers with data cross validation, cleaning and transforming. Sprint planning, providing code review and sprint retrospective. Code refactoring. Providing guidance on implementing integration and unit testing on the platform. Building an event bus using RabbitMQ and sharing my knowledge about it. Integrating Etherium contracts into backend app infrastructure. Organizing data flow in a complex multi-service environment.


TypeScript, NestJS, Jest, MySQL, Postgres, PHP, RabbitMQ, OpenAPI, AWS, Kubernetes, Terraform, Docker, Etherium, Solidity, web3js, socket.io, React, Storybook, Node.js, Blockchain

Sport Event Organization Tool

Lead Developer - Independent Contractor

Five Leagues, Feb 2022 - Mar 2022


Improving data structures, implementing auth and creating UI for a sport event organization tool.


TypeScript, React, Next.js, Firebase, Node.js

Distributed Wagering Platform

Full Stack Developer - Full Time

Rosi Development GmbH, Sep 2021 - Jan 2022


Improving and implementing new features in an existing NestJS backend. Integrating Etherium smart contracts, test coverage. Synchronizing realtime data between frontend and backend. Improving and creating React components for live data representation. Creating digital content using PixiJS.

During this project I had a pleasure with most excellent data engineers.


TypeScript, React, Redux, NestJS, Jest, Postgres, Etherium, web3js, PixiJS, HTML5, Canvas API, WebSockets, Node.js, Blockchain

Webtoon Publishing Platform

Lead Developer - Independent Contractor

Greatoon, Mar 2020 - Jun 2021


Designed and build a user content publishing service for korean webcomics. Since this project features a lot of image based content and extremely large images a lot of image processing and optimization was a key focus for the app. For this image splitting, image optimization, progressive loading, pre-loading and other techniques were implemented to ensure the most seamless user experience analogous to https://webtoon.com (opens in a new tab) . Since the project features subscription to authors or a content series and authors need to receive notifications from content reviewers I have implemented a robust notification system using RabbitMQ, NestJS and WebSockets. This project includes user management dashboard, publishing dashboard, and a user-facing website. With a user’s website additionally featuring seamless switching between English and Korean and a large size content upload.

CI/CD pipeline was built to provide seamless DX.


NestJS, Angular, Akita, RxJS, Postgres, Material UI, AWS, S3, DigitalOcean, Docker, RabbitMQ, Jest, WebSocket, HTML5 Canvas

Web App for Videographers

Fullstack Tech Lead - Independent Contractor

Visi, Dec 2020 - Mar 2020


As a lead developer on this project I have turned existing Figma designs into a live web app.

App features a lot of video integration including video streaming. Full frontend integration testing is done using Cypress. Backend is built using NestJS. In addition all video and image content was optimized for web. App has full support of mobile devices built with a help of Mithril.js library.

CI/CD pipeline was built to provide seamless DX.


TypeScript, React, XState, Mithril.js, Next.js, NestJS, Jest, Cypress, MongoDB, Mongoose, Storybook, HTML5 Video, Node.js, CI/CD, Github Actions, Git

Crowd Funding Platform

Fullstack Developer - Independent Contractor

Headstart, Oct 2020 - Dec 2020


Upgrading existing Next.js website with latest version, improving on existing GraphQL integration and fixing i18n support for Israeli based startup.


TypeScript, React, Next.js, Apollo, GraphQL

Cryptocurrency Exchange Analytics

Backend Developer - Full Time

E-H Inc, Oct 2019 - Apr 2020


As a part of a distributed team developing backend services for real-time analytics and data visualization of a cryptocurrency exchange operations of various crypto exchanges (Binance, Kraken, etc.)


Node.js, NestJS, ccxws, WebSockets, TAP, RxJS

Corporate Vacation Management Tool

Front End Developer - Full Time

Venividi LLC (Subcontracting for a non-profit foundation), Nov 2017 - May 2019


As a sole front end developer on the project I have created UI for managing large group corporate vacations. This tool includes planning calendar, booking reservations and other feature allowing employees to manage their preferences and for an employee to organize and plan various corporate events.


JavaScript, React, Redux, HTML, CSS

Financial Data Processing and Analytics

Full Stack Developer - Independent Contractor

A-star Tech Pvt Ltd, Oct 2016 - Sep 2019


Across 3 years as sole full stack developer position I’ve been tasked with a variety of features to implement, most notable being the following: term sheet generation for supply chain financing and fundamental analytics and visualisation of data provided in SEC reports.

For implementation of a term sheet part React Frontend and Node backend were used with an addition of a Hyperledger smart-contracts to provide back and forth bank-client communication.

For analytics part XBRL reports parsing data storage, data normalization and and access using GraphQL API was provided. In a fronted D3 was responsible for data visualization.

Overall analytics includes a lot of querying and normalizing not-so consistent data from financial reporting which can come in different formats, periods, financial years, naming conventions etc.

PCI compliant infrastructure was built on top of AWS. CI/CD pipeline was built to provide seamless DX.


JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux, XState, HTML, CSS, Node.js, Express.js, Mocha, Cypress, MongoDB, GraphQL, AWS, Blockchain, Golang, Hyperledger, DigitalOcen, Docker, Hasura

Subscription Based E-commerce

Full Stack Developer - Independent Contractor

The Dollar Beard Club, Jun 2016 - Dec 2017


Building two versions of The DBC website from provided designs both frontend and backend. Backend was based on Node.js and included integration of payment processing, order processing, affiliate service integration and also storage and order shipping service integrations all combined in one seamless order flow. Basically once order is made on a website it ships almost immediately.


JavaScript, HTML, CSS, AngularJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, Express, Ambassador, Stripe

CDN Service

Full Stack Developer - Independent Contractor

CDN Service, Feb 2016 - Jun 2016


Building a user-facing API. Implementing a system for sending configuration across CDN servers once configuration is updated by client in a dashboard.


JavaScript, Node.js, WebSockets, OpenAPI

Hotel TV Management System

Full Stack Developer - Independent Contractor

Hotel Management, Oct 10 2015 - Dec 17 2015


This is a small but interesting project where I have a made a system which allowed a user using iPad control an image displayed on TVs in hotel’s network.


NodeJS, JavaScript, WebSockets, HTML5

E-commerce Websites

Full Stack Developer - Full Time

Trade Key LLC, 2012 - 2014


Building a variety of e-commerce websites based on provided designs.

Delivering a consistent outcome for about 10 projects in total.


JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Linux, Apache, PHP, MySQL